I found that I had not really given myself a specific or, definite subject in which I need to investigate. I have in fact only been experimenting with ways in wish I could experiment within the project.
Originally, this project was supposed to be connected to my Final Major Project (FMP). This however had now changed and is taking a completely different route.
I began to start thinking more into the deeper aspects of what I enjoy doing and why and what I discovered in myself is that I am fascinated by the way people behave in certain situations. The interesting thing is that this can cover both illustrated characters and people in real life (such as an audience).
The Oxford Dictionary definition of 'behaviour' states -
-The way in which one acts or conducts oneself, especially towards others.
-The way in which an animal or person behaves in response to a particular situation or stimulus.
-The way in which a machine or natural phenomenon works or functions.
What can be a common mistake however is getting behaviour confused with 'attitude'-
-A settled way of thinking or feeling about a something.
-A body position indicating a particular mental state.
and 'manner'-
-A way in which a thing is done or happens.
Manner can be closely related to behaviour however through the form of 'manners', which are supposed to indicate "a polite or well bred social behaviour".
I believe if I were to investigate this further, I could discover some very interesting processes outcomes to show through the use of illustration, model making and further.
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